How to Help

How to Help:

  1.  Never think: “Drug addiction can’t happen to my son or daughter.”
  2.  Pay attention to physical, emotional, behavioral and social changes, changing friends, trouble in school, staying out all night or past curfew, loss of interest in usual activities.
  4. Watch for bouts of nodding out and exhibiting euphoria; becoming reclusive.
  5. Do not dismiss changes in behavior as this could be a warning sign of drug addiction.
  6. Be aware that heroin, Percocets and Oxycontin can be snorted, injected and/or smoked. Heroin is cheaper than pills, only $5.00 to $10.00 per bag.
  7. Keep alcohol and prescription drugs locked away.
  8. Be aware of “pharm” parties.
  9. Consider genetics; addiction does run in families
  10. Teach your children the dangers and outcomes of drug abuse, but also about “out” techniques to use when peer pressure is a factor.
  11. If you fear drug abuse, have a recovering addict or professional speak to your son/daughter.
  12. Treat addiction as a disease, not a moral issue.
  13. Be aware of missing items within your home.
  14. Be aware of selling, pawning personal items, stealing.
  15. Keep the dialogue open with your children; instill a relationship of trust so they know they can confide in you when they or their peers are involved in drug use.
  16. Be involved in your children’s lives and activities.
  17. Notice lethargic behavior, little or no drive.
  18. Stay updated on their school work and progress.
  19. When drug use is suspected, demand urine testing in your presence. Don’t be quick to trust an addict, as they manipulate and lie to get a needed “fix”.
  20. Keep communicating.